What are you calling Finch for?

To actually get meaningful innovation off the ground, Finch Innovation can support in several ways. We set up a unique program for every customer, in line with their own culture, working method and the issue the company is dealing with. This is all based on Design Thinking and Lean Startup. Finch works with a wide range of organizations, from multinationals to SMEs or government and in all possible sectors, from healthcare and food to modern technology or automotive.

The areas for which Finch can be deployed are:

  • Innovation strategy
  • Innovation Coaching
  • Innovation Training & Workshops, and
  • Innovation Project Management

Innovation strategy

Finch Innovation supports management boards, innovation teams or innovation managers in setting up and rolling out an innovation strategy. What do you stand for as an organisation? Where do you want to go and how do you get there? What are the innovation battles you need to win? What are you going to do and what do you skip? And, what is needed for that? Together we will look for relevant new opportunities for the next 1 to 5 years. For example, we help in drawing up an innovation roadmap or in choosing innovation focus areas based on the ambition of the organization. Finch helps with portfolio management by identifying the right ideas and making them applicable to the company. We support, not only in realizing an overall ambition, but also in project areas such as building a relevant and validated value proposition and business model. A more detailed explanation of how we do this, our methods and tools, can be found in "How".

Individual coaching for innovation managers

Innovation managers can stand quite alone sometimes. The organization is absorbed by today's business. Therefore it is difficult to push and pull to get everyone on board for projects on a longer term. Innovation managers are not always understood within the company and not everyone is immediately eager to do things differently. That is why Finch Innovation offers individual coaching to managers who want to realize innovation. Or, those who want to take innovation to a higher level within their team, department or company. We help implement an innovation culture. This can be done by means of periodic consultations or attending meetings, but also by developing and disseminating a concrete plan of approach together. We help to become more agile by deploying the right innovation tools at the right time.

(Interim) Innovation Project Management

Need a temporary replacement or extra capacity for a specific innovation challenge? Even when temporary capacity knowledge and experience is lacking, we can support your organization. As experienced innovation project managers, we are quickly deployable in various strategic marketing and innovation roles.

Innovation training and workshops

 Finch Innovation has a passion for innovation and is happy to pass on the knowledge gained in practice over the years. Training courses and workshops are built based on the specific innovation challenge of the organization. These sessions are based on Design Thinking and Lean Startup. Participants learn to use the various innovation tools in a practical way. Below you will find examples of our work sessions. Combinations are possible of course and we will make tailor-made programs.

Innovation strategy

Determine the innovation strategy

by jointly drawing up the scope, ambition

and associated 'Must-Win Innovation Battles'

Customer exploration & idea generation

Step into your customer's shoes!

Who is your customer? What is his/her problem?

And, how are we going to solve it?

Strategic Roadmap

Create a clear overview

of all necessary activities (Horizon 1,2,3)

to realize your joint innovation ambition

Value proposition & business model

Develop products and services

that customers really want, that are feasible

and with a viable revenue model

Innovation Sprint

Work intensively for several (half)days

with different innovation tools

and arrive at a detailed and validated concept

Customer Journey Mapping

Together you map out the customer journey around your product or service and discover where your organization can make the difference

Examples of assignments and clients

Wensink Automotive

Support in developing the business strategy, defining innovation focus areas and translating these into roadmaps. We also facilitated innovation programs and training in Design Thinking and Lean Startup.

Unilever & Pepsi Lipton Int.

Lean Startup training in 2-day Bootcamps for Pepsi Lipton and 8 other Unilever departments in different places in the world

Ultimaker 3D printing

Guidance in developing a new software proposition for different customer segments and a business model to bring this to the market

Bartiméus Foundation

Interim innovation management: guiding innovation team, project management on indoor navigation app, further development of innovation program and process.

EFGF - Dutch Water Autorities

Develop strategic roadmaps for several raw materials from wastewater through work sessions. These roadmaps have been worked out in a clear, detailed action plan

Jacobs Douwe Egberts

Interim project management assignment at R&D Innovation Delivery for Ti Ora,

an innovative new tea concept

The Talent Institute

Weekly coaching of Digital Innovators who carry out, as talented experts, innovation projects at companies such as Nestlé, Philips, etc.

Innr smart lights

Support in defining product and service propositions for different customer segments in relation to current brand positioning

Knauf - construction products

Redefining innovation ambition, defining focus areas and developing an innovation roadmap. Innovation bootcamps: training in processes, methodologies, and tools.

TT Engineering

Guidance in defining the

Innovation Strategy for developing new business concepts.

Studio Why

Facilitating and coaching during Innovation Games
(1 week Hackathon)

& at innovation events for various organisations.

Amsterdamse Fijnhouthandel

Setting up and positioning an online sales channel based on specific market analysis, target group segmentation and value propositions.